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The table below lists all the measures administered to the Target Participant’s Teacher in each study year. An x indicates that the measure was given to both cohorts in a given study year. A number in a cell indicates that a measure was administered just to cohort 1 (1) or to cohort 2 (2). The table can be searched for keywords. The table can also be sorted by columns to find measures given in a specific study year or at a specific age. The items included in the measure are available by selecting the measure name.

MeasureYr1 Age5Yr2 Age6Yr3 Age7Yr4 Age8Yr5 Age9Yr6 Age10Yr7 Age11Yr8 Age12Yr9 Age13
Teacher Report Formxxxxxxxxx
Teacher Checklistxxxxxxxx
Current School Performancexxxxx
Parent Teacher Involvementxx (1)x
Social Competence Scalex (1)xxx
Peer Groupxx